NARRATIVES Rebecca Altman NARRATIVES Rebecca Altman

In Defense of Phi Beta Kappa Memorial Hall

Artists of all domains have eagerly anticipated the completion of the Arts Quarter, a multi-phased construction project by the College of William and Mary. Join Rebecca Altman ‘25 as she describes the numerous benefits that the Arts Quarter will bring to musicians as well as the current infrastructure issues that students face.

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FEATURES Miles Mortimer FEATURES Miles Mortimer

Shifting Focus & Inspiring Change

Nearly all students at the College of William and Mary frequently venture to Richmond Road, and most often, their destination is either the campus-famous Wawa or Chick-fil-A. However, sandwiched between the two prominent eateries lies a resource that many in the College community know little about, despite the immense benefits it offers to its members: the Alan B. Miller Entrepreneurship Center. 

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LOCAL Georgia Thoms LOCAL Georgia Thoms

Life in the Dream House

Georgia Thoms ’23 sat down for a cup of tea with the two current residents of William Randolph Lodging, more commonly known as the CW House, to discuss the movement from campus living to a living museum as well as how this connection with Colonial Williamsburg furthers their academic interests. 

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The Abortion Debate at William & Mary

On June 24, 2022, the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, the 1973 case that guaranteed a constitutional right to abortion. The debate regarding abortion, however, is not a new one and has made its presence known on college campuses around the country. But how exactly does the debate function amongst students and faculty at the College of William and Mary?

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Fast Fashion

Over Halloweekend 2022, my social media feeds were brimming with costume photoshoots. While I admired my friends’ creativity, I wondered where the costumes would end up — repurposed for next year or in a landfill?

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ARTS + CULTURE Mary Beth Bauermann ARTS + CULTURE Mary Beth Bauermann

History of Music Through Social Movements

It’s rare that we encounter protest without sound. This sound can take many forms, whether it be that of swelling reverberations of vocal chords, groups chanting mantras of revolution, or voices singing in solidarity. We hear marching, flashes of cameras, chatter, and even intentional silence. Perhaps no sonic medium captures the spirit of protest, however, quite like music.

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NARRATIVES William Zurborg and Mateus Krauss Dutra NARRATIVES William Zurborg and Mateus Krauss Dutra

“Movement” Short Story Contest

This semester, Flat Hat Magazine held a short story contest open to all students at the College of William and Mary. Participants were asked to write a short story based on the song “Movement” by Hozier. William Zurborg and Mateus Krauss Dutra wrote stories connecting readers to imaginative spaces. Zurborg’s interpretation will take you to “João’s Eatery and Bar,” where you will hear about the enchanting voice of a mysterious singer. Dutra, on the other hand, was inspired by the willow tree of the chorus. Congratulations to the winners, and thank you to everyone who submitted!

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My Makeup & Me

If you’ve seen a girl around campus whose style gives off “if Cleopatra had been a goth/emo vampiress party girl” vibes, that’s probably JR Herman. Continue reading to join JR on her makeup journey as she explains why she does her makeup the way she does — and why it’s probably not for the reason you might guess.

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ARTS + CULTURE Flat Hat Magazine Staff ARTS + CULTURE Flat Hat Magazine Staff

Unabashed Indulgences Playlist

In the spirit of Marie Antoinette, the Flat Hat Magazine staff humbly presents our collection of guilty pleasure songs. These are the songs that we can’t quite get enough of. However, we run the risk of getting sentenced to the guillotine with each listen. Check out our complete playlist by scanning the Spotify code above. We invite you to indulge with us...if you dare.

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FOOD + DRINK Isabella Swan FOOD + DRINK Isabella Swan

What I Eat in a Day: College Edition

Hello, fellow material girls. Like many of you out there, I eat food. So today, I’d like to take you on a journey chronicling what I eat in a day as a full-time college student. I feel this is an important topic to cover as many students have difficulty maintaining a balanced diet while away at school.

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STYLE Flat Hat Magazine Staff STYLE Flat Hat Magazine Staff

Broke Baroque

Flat Hat Magazine partnered with on-campus thrift business T-Swap to bring this vision to fruition. T-Swap provided us with 16 second-hand garments of various sizes and tastes to create 12 different looks for six models. We then challenged three innovative student stylists to mix and match a small capsule of second-hand garments into outfits worth framing in gold.

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INSIGHTS Rebecca Altman INSIGHTS Rebecca Altman

Our Parents Online

Facebook has evolved to become a vital tool in the transition process from high school to college for parents and students alike, and the community at the College of William and Mary is no exception. Well into their children’s college years, parents flock to whatever social media resource they can find to get the quick answers they desire. Today, the W&M Family Group on Facebook fills this need, and it is known within the College community as a hotspot for parental drama. Some say that any perceived cattiness in the group’s discourse is a feature, not a bug. But this melting pot of hot takes had humble beginnings.

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Mental Health Resources at William & Mary

The College’s approach to mental health has been an ongoing discussion across the campus community for years. Opinions of concerned students can be traced through media history long before the creation of the Wellness Center and continue today, with questions surrounding the College’s management of mental health concerns in articles extending to national news outlets like The Washington Post. But the campus debate is not yet resolved; while many students and faculty members lend their support to the College’s mental health resources, others voice concerns over the lack of assistance offered.

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STYLE Flat Hat Magazine Staff STYLE Flat Hat Magazine Staff

Stylish Gluttony

The Flat Hat Magazine celebrates their “Baroque” Issue with a delectably divine, gluttonous feast.

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Navigating College Relationships as an Asexual

Over the last decade, higher education institutions have made great strides in fostering LGBTQ+ inclusivity. The College of William and Mary is no exception, with the campus receiving a 4 out of 5 stars rating by the Campus Pride Index. Yet, conversations about LGBTQ+ visibility tend to leave out asexuals — a small but significant group. Asexual students at the College enjoy the same umbrella of welcoming sentiment from the student body, but entrenched misconceptions about desire and romance prevent asexuals from achieving full recognition.

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NARRATIVES Kat Vanbourgondien and Taylor Wilson NARRATIVES Kat Vanbourgondien and Taylor Wilson

Stylish Gluttony Short Story Contest

This semester the Flat Hat Magazine held a short story contest open to all William & Mary students. Participants in the contest were asked to write a short story based on the phrase “Stylish Gluttony.” The two winners, Kat Vanbourgondien and Taylor Wilson, wrote compelling and unique stories based on their own interpretation of the prompt. Both stories provide a unique and thought-provoking commentary on how people at any stage in their lives can be affected by the expectations of others, and how those expectations can become a toxic and all-encompassing lifestyle. When put together, these stories paint a heartbreaking picture of stylish gluttony.

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FEATURES Georgia Thoms FEATURES Georgia Thoms

Breaking the Boundaries of Beauty

The pressure to look a certain way is a feeling most individuals have experienced at some point in their lives, but how does such pressure affect people of color even more so? Georgia Thoms ’23 interviewed students in multiple cultural organizations as well as professors in an attempt to answer this question and, along the way, gain insight into the world’s flawed beauty standards.

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